This is a quick game about making tea.


Arrow keys to move

Enter to open menu


Collect all of the ingredients  to make your master happy.

Development log


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Ok, Its really cute and pretty cool, good job :3
I can't really say a bad thing about it, it could have more gameplay, more music, but its fine. Especially for a 3 hour game jam

Cool but I think that you could have done some things differently to improve it! For example instead of just an increasing number, it would be better something like a percentage or a sliding bar

I... cant play it
Chrome and console says

p8_document is not defined

    at p8_run_cart (index.html:641:17)

    at HTMLDivElement.onclick (index.html:1010:82)

maybe it will help

same here

(2 edits)

I'm sorry that your having trouble with loading my game/cart, I'm kind of have a problem with Pico-8 at the moment, when I get this fixed, I will update this game. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit: I got the game working now, Have fun.